Examples of'ablaut'as a grammatical marker in Latin are the vowel changes in the perfect stem of verbs. 例如在日耳曼语强动词中的元音变换是印欧动词变形范例的直接派生。
Put forward by Benjamin Lee Whorf in The Yale Report," grammatical marker "has been a concept in the study of grammar. “语法标记”是语言学家沃尔夫在《耶鲁报告》中提出的概念。
In the grammatical teaching of Chinese as a second language, the aspect marker "le" is very complicated in both syntax and semantics. 在汉语作为第二语言的语法教学中,体标记了在结构形式和语义上都具有一定的复杂性,所以该语法点一直是教学中的重点和难点。
And we has thoroughly analyzed the grammatical functions of the auxiliary word ji and established its syntax status as an auxiliary word of structure and a topic marker. We have proved the grammaticalization process of the auxiliary word ji as a topic marker and its typological significance. 深入地探讨了助词唧的语法功能,确立了它作为结构助词和话题标记的句法地位,证明了助词唧作为话题标记的语法化过程及其类型学意义。
It may be put behind status adjectival modifiers and become an auxiliary word of structure whose grammatical function is equal to de_2. it may be put behind topic structures and become a topic marker. 可以附加在状态形容词性成分的后面,成为语法功能相当于普通话的2的结构助词;可以附加在话题结构的后面作为话题标记。